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Academic Advising is vital to student success. Utilizing a student-centered approach, NKU views academic advising as a partnership between advisors and students to ensure not only timely completion of your degree, but intellectual and personal growth. Every NKU student will have a dedicated academic advisor from the time of admission through graduation to support you in achieving these goals.

What Our Students Are Saying

“(My advisor) goes above and beyond with making sure each student knows that she cares about them and is here to help. She helps in so many ways!”
“Her drive for her students and the students she advised never goes unnoticed. I consider her not only my advisor, but a mentor in helping me achieve my goals.”
“(My advisor) has been fantastic, not only is he there for my academic meetings throughout the year, he helped me and has guided me through my first year and made me feel very comfortable.”

Who is my advisor?